Members Only
Grand Chapter
Dr. Betty Shabazz Delta Academy
Shreveport Alumnae Chapter
Loretta Speed, Committee Chair

Named in honor of Delta Soror Betty Shabazz, the Academy focuses on giving personalized attention to the girls as it promotes the principles of scholarship, service learning, and sisterhood.

The theme for the Academy is "Preparing Young Ladies for the 21st Century, Catching the Dreams of Tomorrow."

Details: TBA
Location: Delta Life Development Center
Address: 1301 Sycamore Street
Phone: (318) 424-4728
Dates: TBA

If you know of a little girl who would benefit from participating in Delta Academy please contact: Loretta Speed at (318) 424-4728.

"Our doors are always open....to help fulfill another little girl's dreams!"

What is it?
Since the Delta Academy was launched as a major initiative for the 2002 - 2004 biennium, many chapters have embraced the program by implementing it in their local area. The Delta Academy provides an opportunity for local chapters to collaborate with or work independently on educational programs for at risk African-American girls between the ages of 11-14.The Sorority is complementing the theme with the symbolism of the Native American Dream Catcher. As the legend of the Dream Catcher indicates, the Indians of the Woodlands believed that dreams had special qualities-- the ability to change or direct a person's life journey. They also believe that the night air was filled with both good an bad dreams, so the tradition was to hang a Dream Catcher on a baby's cradle or over a person's bed. The Dream Catcher collected the dreams as they floated by, guiding the good dreams through the web to reach the person sleeping and tangling the bad dreams in the web so that they could not reach the sleeping person. Dream Catchers were meant to be a lifelong possession and owners were to add personal treasures significant of events occuring in their lives.

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